Happy 4th! Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary!
Our annual cookout will be on Sunday, July 25, 2010. We will be going to Padonia Park Club located on Jennifer Road. Directions: get on York Road and go past Timonium Fair Ground to the light which is Padonia Road. Make a left and continue on to Jennifer Road. The sign, Padonia Park Club, will be on your left. All money is due on Sunday, July 4. Cost is $15.00 for ages 13 and up, $10.00 for ages 6-12, and $5.00 for ages 5 and under. Call Pastor Earleen at 410-243-1871 if you are interested.
On Tuesday, July 6, REv. Jrald Brunson-Huff will be our preacher for our Women's Fellowship in the Good Samaritan Chapel at 6:30 p.m.
On Wednesday, July 7, we will go to Park City Shopping Mall in Lancaster. There are still some seats available if you want to go. The cost is $25.00. Contact Pastor Earleen at 410-243-1871.
We are stil having bible study every Monday in the Good Samaritan Chapel at 6:30 p.m.
Men's Fellowhip is every Thursday at the League on Cold Spring Lane with Elder Norwood Corbett. The time is 7:00 p.m.
Our crab feast and shopping trip to Hurlock, Maryland is Wednesday, August 11. Cost is $80.00 and all money is due by Friday, July 9. Seats are still available. Contact Pastor Earleen if you are interested.
Have a wonderful and blessed summer.